There are 4 queues/partitions to submit a job. They are TEST, CPU, GPU and LONG. User needs to create a job script as follows for submitting a job. The command sbatch is to submit job to scheduler and returns a job id. This job id can be used later for monitoring and managing jobs.
Submitting job on one node
Job Submit script : sbatch
Sample script link: CPU partition script for N1
Submitting job on four node
Job Submit script : sbatch
Sample script link: CPU partition script for N4
Job Submit script : sbatch
Sample script link: GPU partition script
Job Submit script : sbatch
Sample script link: Long partition script
Job Submit script : sbatch
Sample script link: Test partition script
If users want to run in the guassian module, they can use the below code in their script line.
export g16root=/opt/apps/gaussian
export GAUSS_SCRDIR=/home/kumar/tmp
source $g16root/g16/bsd/g16.profile
Sample script link: Gaussian script
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